
Monday, January 5, 2015

Day One

Day one...almost done.
Biggest Loser Challenge 2015

I found myself so excited to have people posting their weights today, and although I am at the heaviest I have ever been in my life, I am excited to see people starting this journey with me :)

The transformations that are going to be taking place in other's lives, is exciting!!! Of course, in mine as well.

I do know that in my life, little steps are going to be some of the hardest, and changing my MIND will be so much more important than changing my eating, or working out habits.  I want the changes in my HEART to be effective, so I never have this struggle again!

There are a few stories that I could tell you, and I will start with this one :)

When I was 15, I weighed 185 lbs. At this point, I was a sensitive teenager, who was overweight, and tried certain things to make myself skinny.  I starved myself, and when I thought I would die if I didn't eat something, I ate nachos. This went on for a little while, till I realized it didn't work anyway, so forget it. I faked sickness to get out of gym at school, other teenage girls are mean to chunky overweight super self conscious girls. Then, somehow, I don't remember how, I got a gym pass at the fitness centre in town. I went to step aerobics three times a week, and did weights three times a week. I did not change my eating habits, I had, however, starting smoking. After doing this for I don't remember how long (I think it was almost two years), at one point I ended up weighing 135 lbs. What happened next, was that I changed very much so, in my mind. I lost all that weight, and went from the overweight chunky girl, with a severe case of self consciousness, to a skinny girl who was getting all this attention from boys, and I liked that...a LOT.  That in itself, is another story for another day.

There I stayed for most of my teenage years, all the way through till I got pregnant. I spent the last three months of my pregnancy in the hospital on Demoral and ate almost ONLY toast and jam :) That's what you eat when you eat hospital food forever.

Long story short, I have tried to lose that 50 lbs that I gained with my pregnancy for years. Every which way. At one point I lost a lot of it, but gained it back so quickly I didn't even have time to say "Hey look! I am getting skinny!!" lol

This is day one of my biggest loser challenge, and I am doing good :) My body is running into the problem of not having SUGAR in it, so it's decided to give me a major headache. BUT I am dealing with it.  I know I am no longer that 15 year old (obviously) so it's harder, but I know that my heart and mind are what needs to be changed :) Not just my eating habits, and my exercise routine.

Today, I look forward to seeing the change in my physical body, that reflects the inside changes in my heart, and mind. I look forward to leaning on Jesus for that :) I can't do that by myself.


The Pauls' Family said...

Thanks for writing this Maria! I'm already loving doing this journey with you! thanks for working hard to put it together, and being a great leader!! Love you!

The Pauls' Family said...

I like this post Maria!! I am looking forward to reading more of them!
I too had that nasty "I NEED SUGAR headache" yesterday. Today is going to be a better day... :)
<3 Jen