
Saturday, January 10, 2015

White toast and Strawberry Freezer Jam....


White....toast....with strawberry JAM???!!!! WHY body, do you think you need this!!

In all honesty, that has been on my mind for the last two days....I know if I have just a "little bit" that I will NOT stop there. In the past, I have NEVER stopped there...EVER. 

This week has been fairly good for me, pretty easy, but something is causing me to trigger cravings of this sort. I am wondering, how many of you get this? When you want something that you are NOT wanting to cave to!! How do you handle this situation? 

I am learning to turn my craving to the Lord, and asking Him for help. This quote in the pic, I found convicting.  VERY. I realize that I don't think I have ever CRAVED the Lord, the way that I crave the this case, strawberry jam on toast. 

I am thankful for His grace, aren't you? He leads me, He loves me, and He helps me.  

I prayed this prayer yesterday. GOD, please, I want to buy the Made to Crave book by Lysa Terkeurst. I feel that would help me break down your word, when it comes to my food cravings, and replacing them, with you. I'm going to ask Mike about it, and if he says buy it, I will.  

Before I could ask Mike...a very dear close friend of mine, sent me a text asking if I had found the book as of yet. I told her I hadn't, and she replied that she is going to get it for me, as a gift :) She didn't know my prayers....but God did. She didn't know how much I really wanted this book, but God did. God didn't want me to ask Mike...but ask HIM. Then, He impressed on someone else, who loves me, to do this for me! HE is good....and apparently thinks this book WILL help me get a grasp on His word when it comes to craving food :) IM EXCITED!!!

Day six, on a journey of 12 weeks....

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