

My Scentsy Journey

It all began like any step at a time.

My story begins, like this:

It was a dark and stormy night....LOL  Just kidding!! I actually went to a conference/camp meeting in North Dakota, and stayed with an awesome couple there, whom I did not know before hand!!
Turns out, she had Scentsy in her home. I liked Scentsy. I wanted Scentsy. So LOOOOONG story short, I bought my starter kit, and NEVER have I regretted doing so for one single moment of my life.

Here are a few reasons why Scentsy belongs in my life:

1) I LOVE the products. No really. I LOVE them! I can't be without them. I find myself looking for ways to use the product in all smelly situations. I love it!!

2) I LOVE the relationships I have made through this "business".  Take a few ladies, add a product that we SURE love, a company that cares about us, and some PASSION...and you have friends for LIFE!! XOXOXOXO

3) Travel! I have never had reasons to travel as much as I do with Scentsy AND NEVER have I been on ALL EXPENSE PAID vacations EITHER!!! First to Costa Rica (earned for two so I took my fabulous better half, Michael) and then to the Bahamas (earned for one so I spent the week with one of my Scentsy friends and we had a BLAST{See point #2})

4)Owning my own business, cost me $119 - there are few other things that I have ever spent that amount of money on, that I can say are STILL blessing me DAILY.

Those are only a FEW reasons, but why don't you check out my website, and see if perhaps joining my team is right for you. It would be pretty cool, if you too could be blessed by this too!!!

Check out my website at and make sure to let me know if you have ANY questions!!!

Thanks for checking it out!! <3 p="">

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