
Monday, June 10, 2013

Well put Mr. Winston! Well put!

Today is my Scentsy family team's MOTIVATION MONDAY, so as I get ready to post this to them, I thought I would share it with YOU!!

SUCCESS~~What is it?
What would YOU deem success to be? Are you envious at those SUCCEEDING around you? Are you thinking about how they have it all, how they could never fall, etc? NEVER judge YOUR SUCCESS, by someone else's.  It's a different path you are on. Success is not final. I can't say it any better than that.

FAILURE~~Who's a failure?
Not YOU! Not I, not them. It's dissapointing to have something fail. Take that chocolate cake you quickly baked when you found out your parents were on their way! That mom of yours is an AMAZING baker, so you take her recipe out, whip it up, and get ready to surprise her!! Well, surprise indeed! What's wrong? The cake is HEAVY, not light and fluffy like mom's, but it's her recipe? Then you see it! You didn't add baking soda to the cake. It's a piece of heavy, chocolaty mess, and you are NOT serving that to mom! So, maybe the cake failed, but what did you LEARN FROM IT? That is the question de jour people!! You learned to read the recipe thoroughly, and most likely won't be forgetting baking soda in the cake very quickly again.

COURAGE~~The mightiest of courage, is mustered up in the lowest of the valley~~
Is it easy to see someone do the exact same thing you do, and for them to seem to be succeeding so quickly and you are NOT? NOPE
Is it easy to have your cake fail on you, and for you to attempt to make another to follow that amazing mess? NOPE
Can you do it? YES YOU CAN!!!! (with a little man with a tool belt enthusiasm)
This is courage. Getting up and doing something again, or trying something new. That's amazing.


You can try it again! You CAN succeed! You can try something NEW!
I know you can!  I know I can! I believe in you!!

Joshua 1:9  Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

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