
Monday, January 7, 2013

Mondays **sigh**

Am I the only one who doesn't look forward to Mondays? LOL
Most of the time, this is me on Monday.  PLAN to wake up earlier, PLAN to get things done in an orderly fashion, PLAN to be motivated and get all those things done that I randomly think up in BED...LOL
Then, Monday hits, and it's like a TRAIN has come through my head!

Sleep in, cuz you had a rough night cuz you were sick, wake up with NO VOICE and two videos to make (bahumbug), get grumpy while you shower, and get dressed....etc...etc.

Today, I won't let Monday get to me.
I woke up on time, lounged in bed, then showered at a leisurely pace, decided that a plan isn't a plan without the chances of being ruined!

So, without my voice, I made a healthy breakfast, to which Chance said it was the BEST! (sunny boy hot cereal, canteloupe, orange slices, orange juice). Had our family bible time, and then got started on school. I think my days where my plan gets so called "ruined" when everything doesn't go by the book, suck. I need to learn to be more flexible. I need to learn that my problems aren't the worst. So here's the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!

Don't bother calling me, I can't talk...LOL
There you have it, my Monday rant.
Surprisingly, as I looked for a picture for this post, I found THIS blog post. AND it has some super helpful hints on it. Enjoy!!

Maria :)

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