
Thursday, December 31, 2015

I have NEVER!!!!!! Monumental Moment....


It's been a while since I graced this page with my presence.

As I was writing out a Facebook message to a friend, I realized I NEEDED to document this. HERE. For all those who can relate.

I typically have never been a finisher. I am a starter. I start out STRONG!!! BRAVE, courageous, and with the motivation of a squirrel on an energy drink (think HAMMY - Over the hedge). I think of many ways to do something, throw something together, and how it will benefit me, and others. BOOM!! You need a starter idea, I am your gal!!! I can pull out ideas like nobodies business. Then...

I get sidetracked. Distracted. Discouraged. Defeated. Beat up, by the one, the only, me. "You can't finish this. You never do. OH ya, what good is it that you can start all kinds of things, and never finish them. You may as well just quit. Throw it away. Give up. Don't bother. What a waste...." The voices inside my head. "You aren't consistent, and never will be."

When I moved out of my house on 7th street, and had to place things into storage, I realized I had a LOT of unfinished craft projects. I always told myself I wasn't that creative. I would, however, have the creativity to start a HUNDRED projects, but then I couldn't finish them. Yikes. Where did I lose is what I realized today.


At the beginning of the project, I am full of the motivation of this amazing finished project. I can see what it's supposed to look like, and am so inspired!!! I will be the one putting the work in and I can reap the rewards.

After I have started, and now am in the middle of this project, I get distracted. Discouraged. I can't continue, because now it looks like garbage. It isn't looking anything like the finished project is supposed to. This is taking WAY to long...why does it have to dry for an entire day? If I can't do it all in one shot...I have no patience for this. Hence....all the half finished projects that graced the back doors off the MCC ;) You are welcome people that picked up the pieces and they are beautiful on your table, your wall, your bedroom dresser. Good for you. YAY. lol

I have never once, not that I ever recall, finished a craft project. Ever. Except for today. I am 37 years old. I have been "crafting" for as long as I can remember.

Today, I finished a project. Coincidentally, it is December 31, 2015. Ok it's no coincidence. The things God is imparting into me this year, are slow and steady. Keep moving forward. You don't even have to see the finished project, but you just need to take the next step. Just recently, he showed me that I can see where I am supposed to go, but I just don't know how I will ever get there. I then had to step back, and someone called me from the stairs that were right beside me. I just couldn't see them.  I was too focused on getting to the end, I didn't even pay attention that there WERE even stairs.  He has stairs for me. One at a time.

This message is for me. The middle is messy. The middle isn't glorified. The middle doesn't look anything like the finished project will.

I CAN get to the end.
I CAN finish something.


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