
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 - Continued

So I didn't think I would get to making a list of 13 things, and I have 6 already under my belt, so would you like to hear more?

Ok. You convinced me.

{7}I had the privilege of attending director boot camp, in Boise, Idaho this past year. It was a trip of MANY firsts, and MANY blessings! It opened my eyes to a whole new level of "Maria" and what I was capable of. I met some of the BEST people you could ever meet, flew to a few different airports all by myself (Winnipeg, to Denver, to San Francisco, to Boise, back to Denver and back to Winnipeg)  I was SO nervous about going by myself, and I did it, didn't get lost, no trouble with flights, and I didn't have to freak out! lol I stayed with a roomie that I had never met (AND I would reccomend this to anyone, as I LOVE her), got to see where Scentsy first started, and meet some amazing people at the places where all the behind the scenes stuff goes on. Amazing trip!!!

{8} I got to showcase my loud, obnoxious and boisterous talents in a dinner theatre. They probably will never allow that again ;0) LOL  

{9} I walked a 5K - I will spare you the pics! I did run the was in Indianapolis, and I was HOT! This was at Scentsy Convention, where I got to spend six days with an amazing consultant on my team, and her amazing daughter! We had a great time, and I was truly blessed to be able to go. Last minute it looked as if I had lost all hope, and then BAM!! ANGELS showed up and delivered the money I needed to go :)  I was also asked to present on stage, in front of THOUSANDS of consultants, and had the time of my LIFE!! WHAT AN HONOR!!!  Saw Kelly Clarkson do a concert for ALL us Scentsy consultants, learned so much for my business, met new people, and LOVED on those I already knew :0)

 {10} I lost my dear dog, Hope. She died of a heart attack and I thought I would NEVER be able to own another dog. For our family, it was a HUGE loss, and she is still missed DEARLY. She really was the best dog ever, and amazing. How I wish she would just run in and see me, and kiss me and lick me ( I never allowed licking..I hated it - but I would allow it now). 

{11}I began fostering for MMDR. You can see my album HERE  It was really a challenging, rewarding thing to do!! 

{12}I went through, and am still going through, one of the toughest seasons in my life. God has taught me trust, at a level that you cannot understand, if you have never been in my shoes. I am so amazed by the mercy He has one me, and that He chose to GROW me :) Do I ever feel growing pains, but that is another blog, for I am SURE, another day!

{13} Last but not least, I have learned to say NO. To some of you, that may sound rediculous, but to me, I have always been a PEOPLE PLEASER, and that got me NOWHERE. Actually, what it got me was walked on, things done out of guilt, and not out of love. Anger and bitterness towards others who pushed me past my limits, and I allowed them to, and it's not even their fault! THEY don't know where my boundaries are :)  NOW, I am not perfect, and still have a hard time with it, but I am telling you that it's amazing the freedom I feel from doing things out of obligation, and can do things out of love :)  Taking the time to evaluate what I place as priorites instead of what others place as priorities. 

There you have it! 13 things that happened in 2013 :)  I LOVE taking a look at my life, and I LOVE sharing this with you!!! XOXOXOXO

Wishing you all the richest of God's blessings in the new year, and through all your amazing journeys you are about to embark on!!


Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 - GONE ALREADY? Sheesssh...I just got started

2013 Gone? WOW!

Can't believe its over...or almost. Going over my blog, I saw that I made a list in the beginning of 2013, about 12 things that happened to me in 2012.

I wanna do something like this again. Don't know if I can give you a list of 13, but here goes!

{1} I loved hosting my third "THEMED" Bring Back my Bar open house! I LOVE having themes! This year, not sure what I will THEME it out, but you better believe it will be AMAZING!!!!
ABOVE: Rootbeer Float Cake BELOW: Bananrama cupcakes

{2} Superstore closed at 10 PM. Those who know me, KNOW I waited till 10:59 to grab milk. Sometimes, if I was there in the afternoon, the "DOOR GUY" as I call him, would ask me what I am doing and why I am there so early:) It was a bad habit...Now I forget that Superstore closes early, AND buy my milk at Shoppers at 10:59 - - And they are open till Midnight ;0) #yepgotinearly

{3}I EARNED my very first incentive trip with the Scentsy Family!! TOTALLY STOKED!! I went to Costa Rica in May, for completely FREE! From airfare, to the most amazing hotel, to the most amazing beaches, and I can't even tell you all the amazing things that were there! #askmehowtoearnyourownfreetrip
 Great times meeting new people! @ripjackinn
 Hanging out on the beach with friends! Lifetime memories.
 Dinner on the beach with amazing people!
 Jess and Mitch: Two of the most amazing people! They took time to pour into us, and give us knowledge to come home with, and we are not on their team, but we are on the SCENTSY TEAM! LOVE THEM!
 Got to hang out with my Superstar Director, Christy, and Crazy Paul in the back ;0) Sad Christy was so sick, but thankful for the time we DID have :)  And Paul? We hiked through Costa Rican jungle, and didn't die. Quality time. lol

 Best vacation with Mike ever! No stress, no money needed, no worries, just R&R at it's FINEST!

 If you EVER go to Costa Rica, take the sunset sail on the Lazy Lizard :) BEST ONE YET!

{4} I attended Spring Sprint in Regina, WITH so many of my team mates, AND my best friend!!! I love that they were all able to come and share this experience with me! AND I was asked to present on customer service, which was a HUGE honor!!! What a fabulous time, and a GREAT experience!! You can watch me HERE

{5}I got purple chunks put in my hair, my very own photoshoot done by the amazing Megan over at Phraze Photography who, did I already say she is amazing? So much fun, and will never forget it!

{6} My sisters and I, have become good friends.

My sister Sarah, has taught me many things about the beauty of a life, sold out to Jesus. She has gone through trials this year that I am thankful that are NOT mine, but I relished sharing them with her every moment. Her beauty has shone through each and every one of them, and she really does rely on Jesus. She is a strong woman, who has a heart of gold and shines so brightly! I am blessed to call her my sister AND my friend!

My sister Tina, has out shone so many women, when it comes to so many things! She has started out on her own business venture, and is successful, and VERY good at what she does! One of the things that she has taught me, is how to be a Proverbs 31 woman. This girl has got it DOWN!! You need inspiration, talk to her! The other thing I saw this year, is her strength. Through her husband being away most of the summer, I watched her carry on and just take it one day at a time and NOT lose her mind. With three kids, and crazy sisters...this has GOT to be an amazing task. I am, again, so blessed to call her my sister and once again, most definitely, my friend! XO

Cheryl is my FRIEND first, turned family :) She fits right in, and she comes to our gatherings, including our parents! LOL  I love this lady, and I am so glad my sisters fell in love with her too! She holds a very special, and very dear spot in my life! When it comes to sharing hopes, dreams, hurts, and reality with this girl, I can do that and not worry about what she will think of me...EVER. No matter WHAT the circumstance!  We have spy cameras in each others' homes, as we often exchange ideas and thoughts, and convo's that we had earlier in the day/week, and no word of lie, the other family has had the same ones!! I appreciate this lady from the bottom of my heart, and the love she has shared with me in my life, I could never put a price on it :)  God knew what He was doing when He put us together!
** These are some of our adventures together! Grand Forks Trip & Hiking

 AND that is SIX!!! AND what a long post...stay tuned for another **however many I can pull up** tommorow!!

Thanks for sharing this ride with me
