
Monday, October 8, 2012

Maria, Where did you go for a week?

Where did I go?

I retreated. Away from the world, and all its pressures, away from my friends, Facebook, phone, and even my family.
I spent time alone. I fasted. For those of you not familiar with this, I didn’t eat, since Sunday night. A series of events drove me to this point in my life. Let me go to the one that drove me with all the push.  I have what I believe to be systemic candida. You can Google it.  It is not easily treated by doctors, and I have had this and some severe symptoms of this for over 3 years for sure. Lately, I was getting to the point where I didn’t know what else to do, and I have tried all kinds of things, and they didn’t work properly.  Maybe give me relief for a week or two, and then they were back again. I wasn’t sure. I looked up some info on it recently, around two weeks ago. The one lady said to do a fast, a 30 day fast actually.  Just drink water, and your body will heal. Kill off the bacteria (yeast) in your body. YA RIGHT! Go 30 days with only water, you have GOT to be kidding me! LOL   But the idea didn’t leave my mind. But then I got to thinking, if that was something that I could do, then I would do a spiritual fast, and get the physical fasting benefits. BUT I endeavoured to make this a SPIRITUAL first fast. In order to do this, I needed to set a time/date, and proceed from there.  Well, all of you, my wonderful friends, know how much I correspond by email, Facebook inboxes, Facebook itself, text messages etc. I am never without my phone, and always checking my messages etc.  I am on top of that (prob one of the only things I was on top of in my life, LOL) So in order to do this effectively, I had to retreat from everything. AND as I write this, I am 5 days into my fast. 5 days of not eating, 5 days of reading my bible, praying, resting, and focusing purely on God, figuring out what He would want me to do next.  I spent time at the lake, at the church, driving by myself, and in my bedroom.  I prayed, read my bible, read a bible based book on fasting, and some amazing other things.  I let the world know I was going to be “GONE” so that I wouldn’t be bombarded with emails, as for once I was thinking only of myself, and God.  I didn’t want anyone to be upset that I didn’t answer their emails or texts in  a timely manner.  SO Mike, my amazing wonderful special husband, took over assistant duties for me.  Taking my phone where he went and I am so grateful there were only a few things that he did have to deal with. What an amazing GEM of a hubby I have, so seriously.  Whose husband would take care of the schooling for the entire week, take care of my business that needed attention, take care of the house, the 14 year old, and move the microwave into the garage so I didn’t have to smell what they were eating.  He even went as far as to eat in the garage so that I wouldn’t be affected. He wanted me to succeed on this fast more than I did I think. So if you would have asked me last week if I thought God called me to fast, I would have said “Well kind of, it’s a way to weaken my flesh so HIS spirit inside me would grow strong”. That’s about it. I didn’t think of it like, God called me to do this fast for Him. He loves me so much, that on Monday morning, He confirmed his will for me to fast for the week. That’s another long story….and some pieces are special for only me. If you want to know what God has done for me during this fast, talk to me &I will tell you what I want others to know:) 

So far, the MAJOR thing that has come out of this is that this is my ESTER moment. I am in the kingdom for such a time as this.  If you have never heard the story of Ester, again, ask and ye shall receive. 

I am seeking God’s face on many things, things that I never thought of to begin with, but boy is He changing my life right now. I am so happy to know Jesus on a more personal level.  PS: my body is doing ok, I am really sore from laying around, sitting around, just praying and reading and not doing anything else, and my energy levels are LOW….BUT Isaiah 58 tells us that after you fast, “VS 8: thine health shall spring forth speadily.” So, I am declaring it. I WILL be better, after this fast!
Keep smiling.
Keep following.
More good news to come.
Praising God for His ULTIMATE goodness,

Ester 4:14  For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?